Everyday Choices: The Path to Divine Submission

Of God and Man

Have you ever stopped to think about how the small decisions we make every day actually shape our lives more than the big, monumental choices? It’s the little things that set the stage for the big things. Like Jesus said in Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” This means that the way we handle small amounts of money or minor decisions can predict how we’ll handle much larger responsibilities.

Now, let’s dive a bit deeper into this. It’s not just about money or choices—it’s about our patterns. These everyday decisions mold who we become and ultimately, how we face life’s bigger challenges. For instance, think about how you deal with daily temptations or your reactions in minor conflicts. These scenarios might seem insignificant on their own, but they really do add up, influencing whether we end up feeling successful or sorry, fulfilled or frustrated.

God has given us the freedom to make our own choices. He’s not looking for robots but for people who choose to follow Him out of their own will. We all cherish our independence, don’t we? But sometimes, we misuse it. Despite knowing what God desires from us, we often choose to listen to our stubborn hearts instead. We’re aware that aligning with God’s will is truly fulfilling—that it brings happiness and peace—yet, we resist. Why? Because it’s easier to conform to the immediate world around us rather than to a divine standard.

Consider this: when Moses sent twelve spies to scout out Canaan as instructed in Numbers 13:2, only Joshua and Caleb came back positive, trusting in God’s promise. The majority were naysayers, overwhelmed by the challenges. They were wrong. This story is a classic example of how majority opinion doesn’t always align with God’s plan. God’s ways often go against the grain of worldly values—whether it’s how we pursue careers, handle our finances, uphold family values, or interact socially.

Now, transitioning to how these timeless truths play out in our modern lives, let’s reflect on our daily “storms” or challenges. How do we respond to the societal pressures to prioritize success, wealth, or conform to popular lifestyles? Are we courageous enough to place God first, to give rather than accumulate, and to live by the convictions of our faith rather than by societal norms? The world often reduces God to mere religion, but He seeks our wholehearted devotion.

Taking a leaf from the book of Hebrews, specifically Hebrews 12:2, we’re urged to “throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles.” What does this mean for us today? It might be the lifestyle we’ve adopted, the pressures we bow to, or even small habits that lead us away from our true purpose. Jesus, in His time of decision in Gethsemane, chose submission over desire. He faced imminent death, yet He prayed, “Not my will, but yours be done,” embracing God’s plan over His own comfort.

We’re faced with choices every day. By looking to Jesus’ example in Gethsemane, we learn that submission to God’s will, especially when it’s hard, is what leads to true victory and peace. Let’s think about our daily decisions. Are they leading us closer to God or pulling us away? Let’s choose to drop the little distractions and follow Christ fully, embracing the lessons of faith and submission that come out of the Word.


Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks

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