We All Make Mistakes

In Christ, our righteousness and holiness are not defined by our occasional mistakes. When we sin, God’s response is not judgment, condemnation, or withdrawal. Instead, the Holy Spirit gently guides us back to the path of life, reminding us of our identity as beloved children. God’s love and grace always prevail, restoring and redeeming us.

Is It a Time for War or Peace?

In Ecclesiastes 3:1–8, King Solomon presents a series of fourteen contrasting seasons and events that together represent all human activity in its varied forms. Our lives contain a mixture of joy and sorrow, birth and death, harmony and conflict. Solomon resolves that God is in control of each moment. He has a good purpose forContinue reading “Is It a Time for War or Peace?”

Life Is Hard. What Do I Do?

Life is hard. Relationships can be messy. Pursuing your dreams can be a challenge. The work to “make ends meet” can test your strength and endurance. Try again. Peter James and John were fishermen in Israel. Hard workers, their livelihood relied on each night’s catch. And sometimes the catch just wasn’t there… Can you hearContinue reading “Life Is Hard. What Do I Do?”

I Can’t Bear It

Men of great physical strength have sometimes carried outrageously heavy burdens—six hundred pounds, seven hundred pounds, eight hundred. And even then they have said, “I still have not been fully tested. Put on some more weight! Load me up!” With confidence they have gripped the bar and with great straining and groaning they have liftedContinue reading “I Can’t Bear It”

A Problem for Everyone

Over the many years I’ve listened to people share their struggles and questions about faith, the problem of pain is the objection most frequently raised. That makes a lot of sense. It’s a disturbing and ever-present problem. Sooner or later, regardless of how much we may try to avoid thinking about it, everyone will die.Continue reading “A Problem for Everyone”

Crushed to Victory

Trusting others presents massive challenges in our fallen world. Everyone has been corrupted by sin, and therefore fails to be fully faithful or trustworthy. As Proverbs 20:6 says, “Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man?” While humans prove to be both distrustful and untrustworthy, God presents Himself asContinue reading “Crushed to Victory”

What Mental Health Has Done to Your Children

The article discusses the challenges of modern parenting and the impact of therapy on children’s mental health. It questions the effectiveness of current parenting norms and therapeutic interventions, cautioning against over-diagnosing and over-medicating children. The author emphasizes the importance of communal support and individual discernment in raising children.

The Devil Isn’t Creative. Just Strategic!

The content emphasizes the importance of overcoming distractions, doubt, interruptions, and guilt in prayer. It highlights strategies to maintain focus, such as scheduling prayer time, journaling, and involving family members. It also emphasizes the power of faith and the importance of addressing exhaustion or laziness. The author encourages joining prayer groups and seeking support from prayer partners.