A Godly Mother’s Prayer

The Bible highlights the immense value of mothers. Eve, Moses’ mother, Mary, and Hannah embody godly motherhood. Hannah’s prayer reveals qualities of a godly mother: extolling God’s holiness, explaining divine mysteries, exclaiming God’s salvation, and expecting God’s supremacy. These truths apply to all, showing our need for God’s saving grace. Happy Mother’s Day!

National Day of Prayer

For generations, Americans have lifted up scripture-filled prayers in every season and circumstance. From the first national calls to prayer by our Founding Fathers seeking divine guidance, the truths of the Bible have been the foundation for prayer through every tragedy and triumph in our history. The 2024 National Day of Prayer Theme is aContinue reading “National Day of Prayer”

Try Written Prayers

Several years ago, my wife, Lindsay, and I were asked to lead a Sunday morning prayer at a church we had only recently joined. The worship leader’s instructions were short and sweet: follow the usual pattern of the church that we had seen over the past several months. We were honored to lead our newContinue reading “Try Written Prayers”

The Devil Isn’t Creative. Just Strategic!

The content emphasizes the importance of overcoming distractions, doubt, interruptions, and guilt in prayer. It highlights strategies to maintain focus, such as scheduling prayer time, journaling, and involving family members. It also emphasizes the power of faith and the importance of addressing exhaustion or laziness. The author encourages joining prayer groups and seeking support from prayer partners.

Does God Give Athletes Victories?

Few saw a third Africa Cup of Nations title in reach for Côte d’Ivoire’s men’s national team when they fired their coach at the beginning of the continent’s biggest football (soccer) tournament. Or when they failed to land their desired next coach. Or when they were the last team that advanced out of the AFCONContinue reading “Does God Give Athletes Victories?”

Shall I Ask God to Curse My Enemy?

In 1917, the Church of England removed Psalm 58 and other imprecatory verses from the psalter to prevent their use as reprisal refrains against the Germans during World War I. The public reacted strongly, but the bishops stood firm. The author explores the ethical dilemma of praying imprecatory psalms today, citing examples from the Old and New Testaments and advocating for their use in modern Christian worship.