If Only He Had Hope

Byung-Chul Han, a non-Christian philosopher, expresses concern over the loss of narrative in modern culture, criticizing the de-narrativization of time and the world’s materialistic perspective. He attributes this malaise to digital technologies and the overwhelming influx of information. However, he fails to provide a strong solution and overlooks the Christian narrative as a source of true meaning and purpose.

Mothers with Empty Arms

After three healthy pregnancies, the author faced deep sorrow with the miscarriages of her next three babies. While in Asia, a pregnancy complication led to uncertainty. The author recommends Jackie Gibson’s book for women grieving stillbirth or miscarriage. The church’s support and reminder of God’s goodness can help mothers cope with grief. Despite personal suffering, there is hope for the future.

Will My Dog Be in Heaven?

For the last eighteen years, I’ve witnessed an annual rite of passage come and go for the sixth graders at my church. They sit in the musty basement room with bars on the tiny window, turn in their notecards, and march up the steep stairs of the 150-year building to the largest Sunday schoolroom. It’sContinue reading “Will My Dog Be in Heaven?”

You’re Trusting But You’re Broke

My fiancé and I just bought our first house. OK, so it’s not a house — it’s an apartment. And we didn’t buy it — we’re renting it. But we finally have a place to call home for when we get married in the spring. The two of us were so excited to hold ourContinue reading “You’re Trusting But You’re Broke”

The Question That Counts

On April 16, 2007, Virginia Tech University was the scene of an unspeakable tragedy when 32 students and teachers lost their lives in a shooting rampage. The shooter was a student at the school, who took his own life when police closed in on him.  Various stories about this student began to circulate after theContinue reading “The Question That Counts”

For Those Who Could Use a Little Peace

King David was no stranger to adversity and persecution. Yet, even at the end of a long and troubling day, David was able to declare, “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8). The dominant theme of Psalm 4 is the quiet assuranceContinue reading “For Those Who Could Use a Little Peace”

The Debt All Men Owe to Easter

Values such as tolerance, charity and human rights are often considered secular beliefs of the modern world, independent of any religion, especially the Christian faith that once infused the countries where these values were born. But one historian realized this was false as he was perusing the stories and documents of the ancient world. TomContinue reading “The Debt All Men Owe to Easter”

They Were Blessed But Not You

How do you react when God blesses others and not you? When a neighboring church sees conversions and yours doesn’t? Particularly if questions could be asked of both their theology and their practice? The temptation is to be bitter. Or even try to belittle what’s happening in order to make ourselves feel better. In hisContinue reading “They Were Blessed But Not You”