Full Dedication as a Christian

The concept of full dedication to God is not just an ideal but a biblical mandate that requires our entire being. Joshua 14:8 serves as a profound reminder of this commitment, as Caleb declares his wholehearted dedication to following the Lord despite the challenges he faced. This sermon will explore what it means to be fully dedicated to God in every aspect of our lives, using Joshua 14:8 as our foundational text. By examining complete spiritual, physical, and material dedication, we will uncover how we can live out our faith more fully and faithfully.

I. Complete Spiritual Dedication

A. Love

Complete spiritual dedication begins with loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, as Jesus teaches in Mark 12:30. This love is not merely an emotion but a commitment that drives us to obey God’s commandments. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands” (John 14:15). Our love for God should be all-encompassing, influencing every decision and action. When we truly love God, we align our desires and actions with His will, seeking to honor Him in everything we do. A.W. Tozer aptly noted, “To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love.” This paradox reflects our ongoing journey of loving God more deeply each day, continuously striving to live in obedience to His word.

B. Living

Daily living for Christ involves a continual commitment to take up our cross and follow Him, as Jesus commands in Luke 9:23. This means more than merely accepting Christ; it requires living for Him every day. Paul exemplifies this in Galatians 2:20, stating, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This level of dedication calls for a denial of self and a determination to let Christ lead our lives. Similarly, Daniel’s resolve in Daniel 1:8 to remain undefiled by Babylonian culture demonstrates a determined living for God. This determination not only defined Daniel’s character but also shaped his entire life, as seen in Acts 20:24, where Paul declares his unwavering commitment to his ministry despite the dangers he faced. Our daily walk with Christ should reflect a similar resolve, embodying a life fully surrendered to His purpose and direction.

C. Learning

Being fully dedicated spiritually also involves a commitment to learning from Christ. Jesus invites us in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” This invitation is a call to discipleship, where we grow in our understanding of God’s Word and His ways. Paul emphasizes the importance of studying scripture in 2 Timothy 2:15, urging us to be diligent in presenting ourselves to God as approved workers. The pursuit of knowing Christ, as Paul expresses in Philippians 3:10, should be our primary goal. This continuous learning deepens our relationship with God, equips us for service, and transforms us into the image of Christ. Our dedication to learning reflects our desire to be more like Jesus, understanding His teachings, and applying them to our lives daily.

II. Complete Physical Dedication

A. The Heart

Complete physical dedication starts with loving God with all our heart, as instructed in Matthew 22:37. The heart is the seat of our emotions and will and dedicating it to God means aligning our desires and motivations with His will. Psalm 19:14 beautifully captures this dedication: “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Our hearts should be fully committed to loving God, steering clear of the evils that can emanate from it, as warned in Matthew 15:19.

B. The Hands

Ecclesiastes 9:10 exhorts us to, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” This call to diligence and excellence in our actions is complemented by Psalm 24:4, which speaks of those with clean hands and pure hearts who may ascend the hill of the Lord. Our hands, representing our actions and labor, should be dedicated to God’s service, working not for human masters but for the Lord, as Colossians 3:23 instructs. This commitment ensures that our physical efforts are aligned with divine purposes, reflecting our dedication to God through our daily work and interactions.

C. The Feet

Proverbs 6:18 warns against feet that are quick to rush into evil, illustrating the importance of directing our physical steps towards righteousness. In contrast, Romans 10:15 celebrates those with “beautiful feet” who bring good news, emphasizing the role of our feet in spreading the gospel. Our feet, symbolizing our journey and direction in life, should be committed to walking in God’s ways, spreading His love and truth wherever we go. This dedication transforms our daily paths into opportunities for ministry and witness, showcasing the impact of our faith through our actions.

D. The Mind

Philippians 2:5 calls us to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus, emphasizing the importance of our thoughts and attitudes in our dedication to God. Our minds should be focused on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, as Philippians 4:8 advises. This mental dedication ensures that our thoughts are aligned with God’s truth, guiding our decisions and shaping our character. By renewing our minds daily, we can discern God’s will and live out His purposes with clarity and conviction.

E. The Ears

James 1:19 encourages us to be “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath,” highlighting the importance of listening in our dedication to God. Our ears should be attuned to God’s voice, discerning His guidance and wisdom in our lives. Avoiding gossip and slander, as Proverbs 11:13 advises, protects our hearts and minds from negativity and sin. By dedicating our ears to hearing God’s word and truth, we cultivate a heart of understanding and compassion, ready to respond to His call with obedience and love.

F. The Eyes

James 1:14-15 warns of the dangers of lust and temptation, emphasizing the need to guard our eyes from sinful desires. Genesis 3:6 illustrates how Eve’s gaze led to disobedience, underscoring the power of our sight in influencing our actions. Dedicating our eyes to God means focusing on what is pure and holy, seeking to see the world through His perspective. By aligning our vision with God’s, we can avoid the pitfalls of sin and embrace a life of righteousness and integrity.

G. The Nose

Matthew 7:1-5 admonishes us to avoid judging others, symbolized by keeping our nose out of others’ business. This call to humility and self-reflection encourages us to focus on our own spiritual growth rather than criticizing others. By dedicating our nose to God’s service, we cultivate a spirit of grace and understanding, recognizing our own shortcomings and extending compassion to others. This dedication fosters a community of support and encouragement, reflecting God’s love in our interactions.

H. The Mouth

Proverbs 21:23 advises us to keep our mouths closed to avoid trouble, emphasizing the power of our words in shaping our relationships and character. Proverbs 13:3 similarly warns that “Self-control means controlling the tongue! A quick retort can ruin everything.” Dedicating our mouths to God involves speaking truth with love, avoiding harmful speech, and using our words to build others up. By aligning our speech with God’s wisdom, we can create a positive impact on those around us, reflecting His grace and truth through our conversations.

III. Complete Material Dedication

A. Sacrifice

Material dedication involves recognizing that our possessions and resources belong to God. 2 Samuel 24:24 reminds us of the importance of offering sacrifices that cost us something, reflecting true devotion and gratitude. This principle challenges us to give generously and sacrificially, trusting that God will provide for our needs. By dedicating our material wealth to God’s service, we demonstrate our faith in His provision and our commitment to His kingdom.

B. Stewards

1 Corinthians 4:2 emphasizes that we are stewards of God’s resources, entrusted with the responsibility to manage them wisely. This stewardship extends beyond financial resources to our time, talents, and opportunities. By recognizing our role as caretakers, we commit to using our material blessings to serve others and advance God’s purposes. This dedication transforms our perspective on wealth, viewing it as a tool for ministry rather than an end in itself.

C. Security

Matthew 6:20-21 encourages us to lay up treasures in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed or stolen. This eternal perspective shifts our focus from earthly wealth to heavenly rewards, prioritizing spiritual investments over material gain. By dedicating our resources to God’s service, we build a legacy of faith that impacts eternity. This security in God’s promises frees us from the anxieties of worldly possessions, allowing us to live with purpose and generosity.

D. Sin

1 Timothy 6:10 warns of the dangers of loving money more than God, identifying it as the root of all kinds of evil. This caution challenges us to examine our hearts and ensure that our affections are aligned with God’s will. By dedicating our material wealth to God, we guard against the sin of greed and idolatry, seeking to honor Him in all we do. This dedication reflects a heart transformed by God’s grace, committed to living out His principles in every area of life.

E. Surrender

Matthew 6:33 calls us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, promising that all other needs will be provided. This principle of surrender involves placing God at the center of our lives, trusting Him with our future and our resources. By dedicating our material wealth to God’s service, we align our priorities with His, seeking to honor Him in all we do. This surrender reflects a life fully committed to God’s will, trusting in His provision and guidance.


In conclusion, full dedication as a Christian involves a holistic commitment to God in every aspect of our lives. By embracing complete spiritual, physical, and material dedication, we can live out our faith more fully and faithfully. This dedication transforms our relationship with God, deepening our love for Him and our commitment to His purposes. As we strive to live out these principles, let us remember the words of Joshua 14:8 and seek to follow the Lord wholeheartedly.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks

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