As the Day Begins

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”
— Luke 11:23

In this verse, Jesus makes a clear and unequivocal statement about the necessity of alignment with Him. This declaration compels us to examine our own lives and the choices we make daily. Are we with Christ, actively participating in His mission and gathering with Him, or are we passive, thereby scattering? The imagery of gathering and scattering evokes the activities of a shepherd. Jesus, often depicted as the Good Shepherd, calls us to join Him in gathering His flock. This requires intentional actions, choices that reflect our commitment to His teachings, and a willingness to be agents of His love and grace in the world. To be with Christ is to engage in the work of reconciliation, compassion, and justice. It is a call to active discipleship, where our faith is demonstrated through our deeds.

Meditating on this verse helps us realize the gravity of our spiritual alignment. In contemporary terms, it is akin to a declaration of allegiance. In every aspect of life—be it personal, professional, or social—we are called to reflect our commitment to Jesus. This means making choices that honor Him, even when they are difficult or counter cultural. The dichotomy Jesus presents leaves no room for neutrality. Neutrality, in spiritual terms, equates to opposition. Therefore, we must ask ourselves daily: are we actively gathering with Jesus, bringing people closer to His love, or are our actions causing dispersion, distancing ourselves and others from Him? This reflection challenges us to live with purpose, integrity, and a heart aligned with Christ’s mission.

Prayer to the Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father, as I come before You today, I am reminded of the words of Your Son, Jesus, in Luke 11:23. “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” These words resonate deeply within my soul, calling me to examine my allegiance and commitment to You. Father, I ask for Your guidance and strength as I strive to align my life with Your will. Help me to be an active participant in Your mission, gathering with Jesus and bringing others closer to Your love. I confess the moments when I have been passive, when I have failed to act in ways that honor You. Forgive me, Lord, and renew my spirit. Grant me the wisdom to discern Your will in every situation and the courage to act upon it. May my life be a testament to Your grace, reflecting Your love and compassion in all I do. Amen.

Prayer to the Son

Lord Jesus, I come to You with a heart full of gratitude and a desire to follow You more closely. Your words in Luke 11:23 challenge me to make a clear choice: to be with You or against You. I choose to stand with You, Lord, and to engage in Your work of gathering and healing. Help me to live out this commitment daily. When I am tempted to take the easy path of indifference or inaction, remind me of Your sacrifice and Your call to discipleship. You have shown me the way of love, mercy, and justice. May Your example inspire me to reach out to others, to gather rather than scatter, and to be a beacon of Your light in this world. Strengthen my resolve to live with purpose, to be Your hands and feet, and to spread Your message of hope and salvation. Thank You, Jesus, for Your unwavering love and for calling me to be a part of Your mission. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, I invite You into my heart and my life today. Fill me with Your presence and empower me to live according to the words of Jesus in Luke 11:23. I need Your guidance and wisdom as I strive to align my actions with God’s will. Spirit of God, help me to recognize the opportunities You place before me to gather with Christ, to bring others closer to His love and truth. When I face challenges and obstacles, grant me the strength to persevere and the clarity to see Your path. Transform my heart and mind, that I may be a vessel of Your peace and joy. Inspire me to act with compassion and integrity, to be a force for good in a world that so often scatters and divides. May Your presence within me be evident in my words and deeds, drawing others to the love of Christ. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your constant presence and guidance. Amen.

Thought for the Day

As you go through your day, remember the words of Jesus: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” Let this reminder guide your actions and choices, aligning your heart and mind with Christ’s mission of love and reconciliation. Seek to gather with Jesus in all you do, bringing others closer to His grace and truth.


Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks

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