Did I Marry the Wrong Person?

The article addresses marriage struggles and the question of marrying the wrong person. The author emphasizes the importance of honesty, forgiveness, faith, community, seeking help, and staying committed. They stress the need for continuous growth and support from God and others to navigate challenges in marriage, offering hope and practical guidance.

When the Husband Is Bad Authority

When facing bad authority, Christians are called to show respect and patience, even when the authority is not obeying God’s word. This includes being supportive while also seeking to compel the gospel through conduct and forgiveness. However, if the situation involves abuse, seeking help and potentially separating could be necessary. Jonathan Leeman emphasizes handling bad authority with love and discernment.

Honorable Among All Men

The book of Hebrews closes with a sequence of instructions for Christian living. Hebrews 13:4 focuses on marriage: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4, NKJV). The significance of the phrase marriage is honorable among all is somewhat obscured in older Bible versions. InContinue reading “Honorable Among All Men”

Keep Your Promises

In these verses from Matthew’s Gospel, I, as if stepping into the shoes of Matthew himself, am sharing Jesus’ teachings on some profound and, in the context of our times, quite challenging subjects. This passage is part of what’s famously known as the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus is addressing a multitude with teachingsContinue reading “Keep Your Promises”

It’s a Fact, Jack!

A new Gallup survey has found that, over more than a decade, one variable has consistently predicted whether people described themselves as “thriving”: marriage. Married couples are more likely to be happy today, anticipate future happiness, and have a “strong and loving” relationship with their children than cohabiting partners are. Gallup sorted respondents into threeContinue reading “It’s a Fact, Jack!”

Don’t Waste Paternity Leave

Paternity leave benefits in the U.S. have increased, yet many men struggle with how to best utilize this time off. Factors like work culture, financial concerns, and differing advice from peers create confusion. Husbands are advised to consider their wives’ needs, bonding with their new child, and investing in their family’s spiritual growth when making this decision. Each couple should seek wisdom and prayerfully consider their unique situation.