In the Quiet Place

Finding Solitude and God’s Presence

Dear Friends,

I recently read a touching story by Max Lucado about a man who had a   sense of God’s presence in his life. This man had a simple yet powerful practice: every day, he would pull up a chair, invite Jesus to sit, and talk to Him as if He were a good friend. This practice sustained him throughout his life, even to his final moments. When the man passed away, his daughter found him with his head resting not on his pillow, but on the chair beside his bed, as if in the comforting presence of Jesus.

This story is a beautiful reminder of the peace and clarity that can come from taking time to draw near to God. It invites us to create our own “quiet place,” a sacred space where we can retreat from the noise of the world and find solace in God’s presence. As we reflect on this narrative, let’s take a moment for self-reflection and meditation.

What helps you feel God’s presence in your everyday life?

Each of us experiences God’s presence in unique ways. For some, it may be through the beauty of nature, a sunrise that fills the sky with colors, or a gentle breeze that stirs the leaves. For others, it might be through music, the words of a hymn that resonate deep within the soul, or the quiet moments of prayer and meditation where we feel closest to Him. Reflect on the moments in your daily life when you feel God’s presence most strongly. What are the activities, places, or practices that draw you closer to Him? By identifying these, you can intentionally create more opportunities to experience His presence and deepen your relationship with Him.

If you could imagine Jesus joining you during the day, where would that be and what would you two do?

Imagine Jesus sitting beside you, just as the man with the chair did. Where would you invite Him to join you? Perhaps it’s at your kitchen table, sharing a morning coffee and discussing the day ahead. Maybe it’s on a walk through your favorite park, taking in the beauty of creation together. Or perhaps it’s in the quiet moments before you sleep, reflecting on the day’s events and seeking His wisdom and comfort. Consider what you would talk about, what questions you might ask, and how His presence might transform those moments. This exercise can help you visualize a more intimate and personal relationship with Jesus, making Him a constant companion in your daily life.

I invite you to take a moment now to reflect on these questions. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences if you wish, but most importantly, take this time to draw near to the sacred. Create your own “chair” where you can sit with Jesus, talk with Him, and feel His comforting presence in your life.

Remember, Don’t be afraid to ask your heavenly Father for anything you need. Indeed, nothing is too small for God’s attention or too great for His power.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks

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