A Cry for the Supernatural

The content highlights the supernatural nature of God, the Bible, the new birth, the Christian life, revival, and the second coming of Jesus. It emphasizes the need to recognize and embrace the supernatural aspects of faith, highlighting God’s power, the transformative nature of the Bible, and the anticipation of the supernatural second coming of Jesus as believers eagerly await this ultimate event.

I’ve Got Jesus. Why Do I Need the Spirit?

The level of spirituality is low, as we imitate the world and seek popularity. There is a need for the Holy Spirit to have room in the church. We should examine ourselves and our faith, seeking truth in the Scriptures. It’s important to question what we’ve been taught and ensure it aligns with the Bible, just like the Bereans.


God deeply desires to hear from us, no matter what we’re asking for. He cares about every detail of our lives and wants to be intimately involved. It’s a demonstration of faith and trust in His love and provision. Both younger and older Christians should embrace the simplicity and persistence of prayer, knowing that our Heavenly Father listens and responds with His mighty power.

In His Presence

Moses seeks reassurance of God’s presence, acknowledging his need for guidance. The writer praises God’s intimate knowledge and calming presence, confesses doubts and shortcomings, gives thanks for God’s favor and rest, seeks continued presence and guidance, commits to seeking God daily, and intercedes for others. The prayer emphasizes reliance on God and His promises.

Illuminated by the Spirit

The passage from Ephesians 1:17 speaks of seeking wisdom and revelation from the Father of glory, reflecting on the divine nature and infinite knowledge. The prayerful response includes adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication, consecration, intercession, and concludes with gratitude for the gift of God’s Spirit, seeking illumination and guidance in daily life.

The Transfiguration

The passage in Matthew 17:1-13 reveals Jesus’ divine nature and fulfillment of the Law and Prophets, affirming his authority as the beloved Son of God. The Transfiguration depicts his pre-existent glory and prefigures his resurrection. This narrative deepens our understanding of Jesus’ mission and encourages us to trust and listen to him, anticipating his full glory in the resurrection and beyond.

Spiritual Growth?

Spiritual growth is a journey that involves developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and striving to become more like Him. It begins when we put our faith in Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, transforming us into His likeness. This process of spiritual growth is beautifully described in 2 PeterContinue reading “Spiritual Growth?”

God Wants Something Better for You

I am deeply persuaded that many of us struggle with questions of God’s goodness, faithfulness, and love, not because he has been unfaithful to any promise in any way, but because we simply are not on his agenda page. Our agenda, our definition of what a good God should give us, is a life thatContinue reading “God Wants Something Better for You”