Jesus Christ: The Solid Foundation

“And no one can ever lay any other real foundation than that one we already have—Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11, LB).

The claims of Jesus Christ are foundational to the Christian faith. He declared Himself to be the “I AM,” aligning with the divine name revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14. His unique birth, relationship with God, and His miracles support these claims. The New Testament writers, including the apostle Paul, emphasized Christ’s foundational role in our lives. Paul’s transformative encounter with Christ, as well as the testimonies of historical figures like John Wesley and C.S. Lewis, underscore the enduring impact of Christ’s foundation on a believer’s life. In our primary text, Paul emphasizes that Christ is the only foundation for a life built on truth and purpose, particularly for young people searching for a solid base upon which to build their future.

I. Foundations Are Fundamental

Foundations are essential for any structure, be it a building or a life. Just as a building requires a solid foundation to stand, so does a person need a strong spiritual base. In 1 Corinthians 3:11, Paul underscores that no other foundation can sustain us except Jesus Christ. Good schooling and education provide a foundation for a future career, just as learning multiplication tables prepares one for complex calculations. Similarly, Jesus Christ is the fundamental foundation for our spiritual lives. As we delve into this passage, we see that foundations are not optional; they are critical. An architect can omit windows, but never the foundation, highlighting its indispensable nature.

In contemporary society, we often prioritize external success, forgetting the importance of a strong internal foundation. The parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-27 illustrates this vividly. Jesus compares those who hear His words and act on them to a wise man who builds his house on rock. Conversely, those who ignore His teachings are likened to a foolish man building on sand. When storms come, the house on the rock stands firm, while the one on sand collapses. This analogy highlights the necessity of building our lives on the solid foundation of Christ’s teachings. As we face modern challenges, this principle remains relevant: without a secure foundation, everything else crumbles.

II. No Superstructure If No Substructure

Building a stable life requires a solid substructure. Just as builders must dig deep to lay a strong foundation, we must root our lives in Christ to withstand life’s storms. In 1 Corinthians 3:11, Paul reiterates that Christ is our only true foundation. This substructure determines the building’s size, shape, and stability, mirroring how our spiritual foundation shapes our lives. Without Christ, our efforts are like building on shifting sand, destined to fail. Jesus warned in Luke 6:48-49 about the consequences of neglecting a solid foundation, emphasizing the importance of grounding our lives in His teachings.

The depth and strength of our foundation in Christ impact every aspect of our lives. When we dig deep into His word and let His truths take root, we develop resilience against trials and temptations. In today’s culture, many seek fulfillment in temporary pleasures, wealth, or status, neglecting the need for a lasting foundation. However, these pursuits often lead to instability and disappointment. By contrast, those who build their lives on Christ experience peace and stability. As theologian John Stott notes, “We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior.” A life built on Christ transforms us from the inside out, providing a strong base for spiritual growth.

A. Its Size

The size of our lives, in terms of our impact and reach, is determined by the foundation upon which we build. A robust foundation in Christ allows us to grow and expand our influence. When we root ourselves in His word and His love, we develop the capacity to touch more lives and extend His kingdom. Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32 illustrates how a small seed, when planted in good soil, can grow into a large tree that provides shelter for many. Similarly, a life firmly grounded in Christ can have a far-reaching impact, offering support and guidance to others.

B. Its Shape

The shape of our lives is molded by the principles and values we derive from our foundation in Christ. Just as a building’s design is defined by its foundation, our character and actions are shaped by our commitment to His teachings. Ephesians 4:22-24 encourages us to put off our old selves and be renewed in the spirit, creating a new self fashioned after God’s likeness. This transformation reflects the shape of a life built on Christ—one that embodies His love, grace, and truth. By aligning our lives with His example, we become living testimonies of His transformative power.

C. Its Stability

Stability is a hallmark of a life built on Christ. When we anchor our lives in His promises and truths, we find stability amidst the uncertainties and challenges of life. Psalm 62:6 declares, “He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved.” This steadfastness is a direct result of our foundation in Him. In an ever-changing world, where societal values and norms constantly shift, a life built on Christ remains unshaken. His unchanging nature provides a firm base, enabling us to navigate life’s storms with confidence and peace.

III. Jesus Christ is the One and Only Substructure

Christ is the unique and irreplaceable foundation for a life that is safe, secure, and satisfying. He alone provides the depth, strength, and stability needed to build a life of integrity and purpose. As Paul asserts in 1 Corinthians 3:11, no other foundation can compare. This truth is timeless, resonating across generations and cultures. The modern gods of pleasure, materialism, and politics fail to offer the lasting foundation that Christ provides. Instead, they lead to emptiness and instability. By contrast, a life built on Christ is marked by fulfillment and resilience.

In contemporary society, young people especially need a strong foundation as they navigate the complexities of life. The pressures of success, social media, and shifting moral standards can be overwhelming. Building their lives on Christ offers them a firm base from which to grow and thrive. Jesus’ teachings provide clear guidance and unwavering principles that stand the test of time. As Charles Spurgeon aptly noted, “To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark—that is faith.” This faith, grounded in Christ, equips young people to face life’s challenges with confidence and hope.

A. The Architect’s Care

Just as an architect meticulously oversees the laying of a building’s foundation, Christ carefully guides us as we build our lives on Him. He ensures that we are grounded in the right depth of faith and truth, free from impurities and compromises. Jesus, being fully God and fully man, understands our struggles and provides the perfect model for a life built on a solid foundation. By following His example and teachings, we lay a foundation that is free from moral flaws and spiritual weaknesses.

B. The Holy Spirit’s Role

The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in shaping and strengthening our foundation in Christ. As we build our lives on Jesus, the Holy Spirit works within us, transforming us into new creations. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” This transformation is an ongoing process, as the Holy Spirit continually refines us, helping us to grow in Christlikeness. By yielding to the Spirit’s guidance, we build a life that reflects the beauty and stability of our foundation in Christ.


As we reflect on 1 Corinthians 3:11, we are reminded of the critical importance of building our lives on the only true foundation—Jesus Christ. Foundations are fundamental, and without a solid substructure, no superstructure can stand. Jesus Christ is the unique and irreplaceable foundation for a life that is safe, secure, and satisfying. By building our lives on Him, we ensure that our size, shape, and stability are anchored in eternal truth. Let us commit to laying this foundation in our lives, trusting in Christ as our rock and refuge.


Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks

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