Job 4 Study for Monday

  1. When is it hard to accept the advice of a friend?
  2. What did Eliphaz say about Job’s piety and confidence? (4:6)
  3. According to Eliphaz, why do bad things happen to people? (4:7-11)

All the material recorded and quoted in the Bible is there by God’s choice. Some is a record of what people said and did but is not an example to follow. The sins, the defeats, the evil thoughts, and misconceptions about God are all part of God’s divinely inspired Word, but we should not follow those wrong examples just because they are in the Bible. The Bible gives us teachings and examples of what we should do as well as what we should not do. Eliphaz’s comments are an example of what we should try to avoid — making false assumptions about others based on our own experiences.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks