Job Study for June 9

When was the last time you were discouraged by the advice a friend gave you?

According to Eliphaz, why do bad things happen to people? (4:7-11)

Although Eliphaz claimed that his vision was divinely inspired, it is doubtful that it came from God because later God criticized Eliphaz for misrepresenting him (Job 42:7). Whatever the vision’s source, it is summarized in Job 4:17.

On the surface, this statement is completely true — a mere mortal cannot compare to God and should not try to question God’s motives and actions. Eliphaz, however, took this thought and expounded on it later, expressing his own opinions.

His conclusion (Job 5:8) reveals a very shallow understanding of Job and his suffering. It is easy for teachers, counselors, and well-meaning friends to begin with a portion of God’s truth but then go off on a tangent. Don’t limit God to your perspective and finite understanding of life.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks