As the Day Begins

Matthew 18:1-5

At that time, the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.”

Morning Meditation

The disciples’ question about greatness in the kingdom of heaven reflects a common human concern with status and recognition. Jesus’ response, however, turns their understanding upside down. By placing a child in their midst, He provides a living illustration of the kind of humility and innocence that He values. In the ancient world, children were often seen as the least important members of society, possessing no power or status. By using a child as an example, Jesus emphasizes that greatness in His kingdom is not about power, wealth, or prestige, but about humility, simplicity, and trust.

Jesus’ call to “become like children” is an invitation to embrace a posture of humility and dependence. Children embody a natural sense of trust and openness. They are not burdened by the complexities and cynicism that often accompany adulthood. To “become like children” means to approach God with a heart free from pretense and pride, fully reliant on His grace and guidance. This transformation requires a conscious turning away from self-centered ambitions and an embrace of the purity and simplicity of a child’s faith. In doing so, we not only enter the kingdom of heaven but also begin to experience the fullness of life that Jesus promises.


Heavenly Father, I come before You today, seeking to understand the depth of the message Your Son, Jesus, imparted to His disciples. Help me to embrace the humility of a child, to cast aside my desires for recognition and status. Teach me to find joy in the simplicity of life, trusting fully in Your provision and care. May my heart be softened to Your will, open to Your guidance, and eager to serve without seeking reward. Let my actions reflect the humility that Jesus exemplified, and may I always remember that true greatness in Your kingdom comes through humble service and sincere faith.

Lord Jesus, my Savior and Teacher, You have shown us the way to the Father’s heart through Your words and deeds. I ask for the strength to turn from my pride and to embrace the humility that You demonstrated. Help me to become like a child in my faith—trusting, dependent, and pure in heart. May I never forget that in welcoming and serving the least among us, I am welcoming and serving You. Transform my heart to reflect Your love and humility and guide me to live a life that is pleasing to You, marked by selflessness and genuine care for others.

Holy Spirit, my Comforter and Guide, I invite You to work within me, to mold my heart to become more like that of a child’s—innocent, trusting, and humble. Remove from me the burdens of pride and self-reliance. Fill me with Your presence, so that I may walk in the simplicity and purity that Jesus calls us to. Grant me the wisdom to see others through the eyes of Christ, valuing each person with the love and respect they deserve. Empower me to live out the teachings of Jesus in my daily life, and let my actions be a testament to the transformative power of Your grace.

Thought for the Day

Today, remember that true greatness in God’s kingdom is found not in power or status, but in the humility and simplicity of a child’s heart. Embrace the innocence and trust of a child as you walk through your day, and let these qualities guide your interactions and decisions. In welcoming and serving others, you are welcoming and serving Christ Himself.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks