As the Day Begins

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’ ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” (Luke 10:38-42, NIV)


In this passage, we find Jesus visiting the home of Martha and Mary, two sisters with distinct approaches to His presence. Martha busied herself with the demands of hospitality, ensuring that everything was perfect for her esteemed guest. In contrast, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, soaking in His teachings and cherishing the opportunity to be close to Him. This narrative captures a profound truth about priorities in our spiritual lives. Often, we can become so engrossed in our activities and responsibilities that we forget the essence of our faith: being with Jesus. Martha’s frustration is palpable as she implores Jesus to redirect Mary’s attention to the work at hand. Yet, Jesus gently rebukes her, highlighting that Mary’s choice to prioritize His words and presence is the better path. This story invites us to examine our own lives and consider whether we, like Mary, are making space to sit at Jesus’ feet amidst the busyness of our daily routines.

Reflecting on Mary’s choice, we are reminded of the value of intimacy with Christ. In our modern world, distractions abound, pulling us in myriad directions and often leaving us spiritually drained. Jesus’ response to Martha, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one,” is a call to simplicity and focus. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else. Mary’s decision to sit at Jesus’ feet symbolizes a posture of humility, teachability, and devotion. It encourages us to carve out moments of stillness in our hectic lives, to listen to His voice, and to let His words shape and transform us. This passage invites us to a deeper, more personal connection with Jesus, reminding us that in His presence, we find the true nourishment for our souls.


Heavenly Father,
I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for Your boundless love and faithfulness. In the story of Martha and Mary, I see a reflection of my own life, often torn between the demands of the world and the call to be still in Your presence. Father, forgive me for the times I have been like Martha, consumed with worry and distracted by many tasks. Help me to remember that the most important thing is not what I do for You but being with You. Teach me to prioritize moments of quiet reflection, where I can sit at Your feet and listen to Your voice. Grant me the wisdom to discern what truly matters and the strength to choose the better path, just as Mary did. May my heart always yearn for Your presence, and may I find peace and rest in Your unfailing love.

Lord Jesus,
I thank You for the example You set in the home of Martha and Mary. Your words to Martha resonate deeply within me, reminding me to focus on what is truly important. Jesus, I long to be like Mary, who chose to sit at Your feet and absorb every word You spoke. I confess that I often allow the busyness of life to overshadow my time with You. Help me to break free from the distractions that pull me away from Your presence. Teach me to value the moments of stillness and to seek Your guidance in all things. May Your words be the light that guides my path, and may I always find joy and fulfillment in spending time with You. Strengthen my faith and deepen my relationship with You, so that I may experience the fullness of Your love and grace.

Holy Spirit,
I invite You to work within my heart and mind, cultivating a deep desire for intimacy with Jesus. Guide me as I navigate the complexities of life and help me to prioritize my relationship with Him above all else. Holy Spirit, empower me to silence the noise around me and to find solace in the presence of my Savior. Fill me with the wisdom to choose what is better, as Mary did, and to cherish the moments spent at Jesus’ feet. Transform my heart, that I may hunger and thirst for righteousness, and seek to grow in my knowledge and love of God. May Your presence be a constant reminder of the peace and joy that come from a life centered on Christ. Lead me in the ways of truth and grace and help me to live a life that reflects the beauty of Your work within me.

Thought for the Day

Remember, in the midst of your busyness, to take time to sit at the feet of Jesus. Like Mary, choose the better path and let His words nourish your soul. Prioritize His presence and find peace in His love.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks

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