Overcoming Self-Doubt

When facing self-doubt, remember that as Christians, our worth comes from God, not our circumstances. By understanding God’s unique plan for us and relying on His strength, we can combat self-doubt. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive community and trusting in God’s calling for our lives can help us overcome doubt and embrace confidence in Christ.

Mothers with Empty Arms

After three healthy pregnancies, the author faced deep sorrow with the miscarriages of her next three babies. While in Asia, a pregnancy complication led to uncertainty. The author recommends Jackie Gibson’s book for women grieving stillbirth or miscarriage. The church’s support and reminder of God’s goodness can help mothers cope with grief. Despite personal suffering, there is hope for the future.

Faithful to the End

In the quiet confines of Widho Village, Mary and her children found themselves thrust into a nightmare on a fateful night in September 2023. Around 2 a.m., al-Shabab stormed their village and shattered the tranquility of their humble residence. “As darkness surrounded our humble house, I found myself sheltered within its walls, my children byContinue reading “Faithful to the End”

If Only Israel Had Been Faithful

Isaiah 49 speaks of a time of blessing for Israel. There is some difficulty in interpreting this passage because at times it seems that Israel is being addressed, and at other times it seems that a single person is being addressed. This person will help bring blessing back to Israel, so he must therefore beContinue reading “If Only Israel Had Been Faithful”

If You Are There When They Die

The article discusses the emotional and spiritual challenges faced by families of hospice patients and the biblical perspective on hospice care. It clarifies misunderstandings about hospice and distinguishes it from euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. It also outlines common changes in the dying process and offers comfort and hope to families through biblical truths.

When God Hardens Hearts

The concept of choosing and reprobation is explored, emphasizing how God hardens hearts through various means. Withholding grace, using wicked people, and the truth are highlighted as methods. The fairness of this process is discussed, asserting God’s sovereignty and humans’ responsibility. It is stressed that God’s actions align with His justice and goodness.

There’s a Reason They Use Ash

Every year around Ash Wednesday, a hillside near our home in the mountains of Western North Carolina erupts with the yellow of budding daffodils. These are the first of the spring flowers to bloom, and their golden hue stands in stark contrast to the grays and browns of the surrounding winter. Brilliant as the blossomsContinue reading “There’s a Reason They Use Ash”