Stop Fighting and Stand Still

On a sticky, steamy night last summer, I sat on my back porch in the dark and stared at a gangly potted cactus. This Epiphyllum oxypetalum, commonly known as the “Queen of the Night” was a gift from an elderly gardener friend. He promised me that there would be spectacular, if short-lived, nocturnal flowers. “AndContinue reading “Stop Fighting and Stand Still”

Seasons Without Answers

This year, I’m learning to have a quiet hope. My eight-year-old daughter has Down syndrome. Her already winding path took an unexpected turn at just six months of age, when a relentless storm of seizures wreaked havoc on her brain and body. The disabilities and delays left in the wake of her seizures touched everyContinue reading “Seasons Without Answers”

What the Gender Revolution Has Wrought

Seven years ago this month, National Geographic published an issue that they now refer to as “historic.” With a cover featuring a young boy with long pink hair and pink leggings, they announced a “Gender Revolution.” The newsstand edition featured a different cover, a child and a collection of hip young people with identifying labels, suchContinue reading “What the Gender Revolution Has Wrought”