As the Day Begins


“For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:26-27 ESV)

Morning Meditation

In the heart of Luke 9:26-27, we encounter a profound invitation to reflect on the essence of our relationship with Christ. Jesus speaks directly to the consequences of being ashamed of Him and His teachings, offering a stark reminder of the eternal implications of our earthly choices. To be ashamed of Christ means to deny Him in our actions, words, and thoughts, a denial that reverberates through our spiritual identity. When we embrace Christ openly and boldly, we align ourselves with His glory and the glory of the Father. This passage challenges us to examine the depth of our commitment and the courage with which we declare our faith. It compels us to reflect on the moments we might have hidden our belief to blend in, reminding us that our allegiance to Christ should be unwavering, irrespective of societal pressures or personal fears.

Moreover, Jesus assures His disciples that some of them will witness the kingdom of God before tasting death. This promise reveals the imminence of God’s kingdom, a reality that is not confined to the distant future but begins to unfold within the lifetime of those who truly follow Christ. It’s a call to live in constant expectation and readiness, understanding that the kingdom of God is both a present and future reality. Our daily lives should reflect this dual understanding, manifesting the kingdom through acts of love, mercy, and justice while holding onto the hope of its ultimate fulfillment. In this light, our actions are not merely for temporal gains but are woven into the eternal tapestry of God’s redemptive plan. This meditation invites us to examine our daily walk with Christ, ensuring that our faith is not hidden but is a radiant testament to His transformative power in our lives.


Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude and reverence. Your word in Luke 9:26-27 stirs my soul and challenges my spirit. I confess, Lord, that there have been times when I have been hesitant to declare my faith openly. There have been moments when fear of judgment or rejection has caused me to shy away from proclaiming Your truth. Father, forgive me for these moments of weakness. I pray for strength and boldness to stand firm in my faith, to never be ashamed of You or Your words. Help me to remember that my identity is found in You, and that my allegiance to You should surpass all earthly concerns. Grant me the courage to live out my faith authentically and to be a beacon of Your love and truth in this world.

Lord Jesus, You are the Son of Man who will come in glory with the Father and the holy angels. Your promise is both a comfort and a challenge. I desire to be counted among those who are not ashamed of You, who live with a bold and unwavering faith. Jesus, You have promised that some will see the kingdom of God before they taste death. I long to be part of Your kingdom, both now and in the life to come. Help me to live each day with a sense of Your imminent return, with my heart set on Your eternal kingdom. May my life reflect Your love, grace, and truth, drawing others into the light of Your presence. Teach me to see every opportunity as a chance to honor You and to proclaim Your name boldly.

Holy Spirit, I invite You into my heart and life anew. Fill me with Your power and presence, that I may be an effective witness for Christ. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions, so that they align with the teachings of Jesus. When I am faced with the temptation to be silent or to hide my faith, remind me of the eternal consequences and the glory that awaits those who are faithful. Strengthen my resolve to live unashamedly for Christ, to be a vessel of His love and truth in a world that so desperately needs it. Holy Spirit, empower me to live out the kingdom of God in my daily life, to be a reflection of Christ’s glory and to share His message of hope with those around me. Thank You for Your continual guidance and presence in my life.

Thought for the Day

Live today with the boldness of one unashamed of Christ, knowing that every moment is an opportunity to witness the unfolding kingdom of God in your life and in the world around you.

Published by Intentional Faith

Devoted to a Faith that Thinks