He’s No Jesus

“On the Cross, Jesus sided with the marginalized, oppressed and despised. The resurrection was God’s affirmation of that choice and, in his ‘coming out’ of the tomb, Jesus offered hope, possibility, love and welcome.” So said Professor Susan Shaw in a lecture last year to homosexual and transgender “welcoming and affirming” Baptist churches. So sayContinue reading “He’s No Jesus”

The One Thing We Don’t Know About Jesus

Jesus Christ is arguably the most famous man who ever lived. His image is everywhere. But what did the God-Man from Nazareth actually look like? We often imagine a particular “look” based on artistic renderings we’ve seen, but many of these designs are influenced by the artist’s culture. And while we may be able toContinue reading “The One Thing We Don’t Know About Jesus”

Unveiling the Sacred Practice

In Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus challenges prevailing religious practices, emphasizing sincere, private prayer over public displays. He unveils God’s omniscience and desire for genuine communion. The passage contrasts authentic prayer with hypocrisy, urging believers to prioritize sincerity and humility. It calls for a paradigm shift in approaching spirituality and ethical decision-making.

A Personal Request to You

In the quiet moments of morning and as the sun sets in the evening, we find ourselves drawn closer to the Word, seeking understanding, comfort, and guidance. It’s in these precious times of meditation and prayer that Scripture opens up to us, revealing depths we might not have glimpsed in the rush of our dailyContinue reading “A Personal Request to You”

Practicing Radical Love

The passage in Matthew 5:38-42 emphasizes responding to evil with love and nonviolent resistance, reflecting the teachings of Jesus to transcend self-interest and extend compassion. This message remains relevant in modern culture, challenging us to choose forgiveness and reconciliation over retaliation and division. Embodying these principles can transform individuals and society.

A Bruised Reed

In Matthew 12:15-21, Jesus faces opposition and continues His mission with compassion and caution. He heals the sick, urges discretion, and fulfills prophecies with gentle strength. The passage challenges us to be aware of our influence, serve with compassion, and trust in God’s timing. It calls us to nurture faith and show kindness to those in need, reflecting Jesus’ character.