The Numbers Are Staggering

An estimated 10,372,100 lives have been lost since the Abortion Act came into effect on this day in 1968.  In 2021, the last full year for which abortion statistics are available, more than one baby was being aborted every two and a half minutes across England, Wales and Scotland.  That year saw record high numbers ofContinue reading “The Numbers Are Staggering”

I Can’t Bear It

Men of great physical strength have sometimes carried outrageously heavy burdens—six hundred pounds, seven hundred pounds, eight hundred. And even then they have said, “I still have not been fully tested. Put on some more weight! Load me up!” With confidence they have gripped the bar and with great straining and groaning they have liftedContinue reading “I Can’t Bear It”

AI and Pornography

Pornographers have always quickly adapted their methods to new digital technology. Digital pornography has closely followed the internet’s ability to store and send images. The convenience and relative anonymity have destroyed any chance of curbing the growth of internet porn. Until recently, images were created through hand-created illustration, photography, digital graphics, or a hybrid ofContinue reading “AI and Pornography”

The Unspoken Addiction

Pornography is not often talked about in the church, but pornography is often on the minds of many church members. Pornography is a growing pandemic, and it is only getting worse. It is reported that 93% of pastors see it as a much bigger problem than it was in the past.[1] As the Church, weContinue reading “The Unspoken Addiction”