As the Day Ends

Evening Reflection Inspired by Matthew 9:27-31 As the day draws to a close and the world grows quiet around us, let us take a moment to reflect on the timeless wisdom encapsulated within Matthew 9:27-31. In this passage, we encounter two blind men who, despite their physical affliction, demonstrate unwavering faith in Jesus Christ asContinue reading “As the Day Ends”

A Morning Prayer & Meditation for the Eclipse

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shallContinue reading “A Morning Prayer & Meditation for the Eclipse”

What the …

What did Jesus do after He died and was buried? Where did He go? According to the Apostles’ Creed, “he descended into hell.”   Each denomination has an interpretation of this issue. Because of the numerous views, the discussion of what Jesus did after He died and whether He descended into hell is complex. Although many sources we couldContinue reading “What the …”

Timeless Truths in a Modern World

The passage Luke 8:26-39 reveals divine authority, deliverance, and transformation through Jesus’ encounter with a demon-possessed man. This theme resonates in both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting Jesus’ supreme sovereignty. In today’s context, the passage prompts faith amidst societal challenges and encourages believers to share the message of deliverance. Insights from theologians Barclay and Barnes deepen understanding, challenging believers to embody compassion and testify to Jesus’ transformative power. This narrative parallels the account of Jesus calming the storm and provides practical applications for spiritual warfare. Today’s struggles with mental health and addiction reflect the need for compassion and advocacy. Luke 8:26-39 challenges believers to reassess biases and align their lives with the values of the kingdom of God, encouraging spiritual depth, resilience, and ethical integrity. The contemporary church is called to embody Jesus’ compassion, engage in spiritual warfare, and stand firm in truth. This scripture invites personal reflection and practical implementation, urging believers to integrate its wisdom into their daily lives and interactions.

No Doubt About It

I’ve warned before about the habit of reducing biblical accounts to mere spiritual metaphors—a popular sermon practice nowadays, unfortunately. David slaying Goliath is not a lesson about facing the “giants” in our lives. Jesus silencing the stormy sea is not an invitation to consider the storms he could hush in our own lives. Those areContinue reading “No Doubt About It”

Illuminating Insights

Matthew 6:22-23, part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, uses vivid imagery to convey spiritual truths. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual vision and discernment, God’s desire for His people to walk in His truth, and the consequences of spiritual blindness. The passage challenges us to prioritize spiritual clarity and align with God’s truth in all aspects of life.

Categories of the Cross

Jesus Christ is, in fact, an expression of the temper of the whole New Testament. For explaining the cross, the New Testament uses many images, many categories, many modes of thought blended together. These various categories and modes of thought serve to enrich our understanding of the cross and its meaning. 1. Sacrifice The crossContinue reading “Categories of the Cross”